WLN Mentors Needed

Professor Chris LeCluyse at Westminster College, Utah, is organising mentors for writing centre staff interested in publishing articles about the work they do in the Writing Center Newsletter.

Professor of English at Westminster College, Utah

Chris writes: The WLN mentor match program is intended to bring writers working on articles for WLN together with experienced mentors who know a thing or two about writing center work and publishing. Mentors give feedback to writers submitting to WLN to help them develop articles for publication. Mentors actively engage in goal-setting with the mentee.  

Mentors also work with writers who may be interested in writing but aren’t sure what to write about or where to begin.  In other words, a WLN mentor does much the same work as tutors in a writing center.

If you would like to be a WLN mentor, please fill out the online application form at http://bit.ly/WLNMentorApp.

E-mail questions to Chris LeCluyse at clecluyse@westminstercollege.edu.

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